Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas & Owning Up!

So so funny....I am writing this right now as I sit up in bed and everyone else is sleeping.  We decided to open gifts last night so we would be able to sleep in...and (story of my life) I can't.  So I am putting my blog post together as I keep forgettting to do this new "old" task onn my list.  Onve a week I thought would be very easy to maintain...only to remember on Monday that I forgot.

Of course, with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, my birthday, and redoing a child's room into a guest bedroom had othing to do with it (insert small piece of sarcasm).  It truely was just because I forgot.

So I am owning up to it.  Liz...put it on your calendar!  Make yourself a real deadline.  Do it!  I need YOU to keep me accountable.  So if you're reading this....and you don't see a new blog post from me by Sunday of that week, don't be afraid to call me out!  If you do, I think I'll throw in a reward!  It's gotta be something good that everyone could use no matter what kind of crafting you do.  Let's say...a package of paper or adhesive.  You can't realy craft without paper or adhesive.  So remember, if you notice that I didn't post a blog the whole week and Sunday turns into Monday...let me know!

Anyways, I hope each and everyone of you have a Merry Christmas!!!  Love the Giles Family!

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